In my practice as an Ayurvedic Manual Therapist, I often see clients returning with the same issues. Whether you have a sedentary job or are an athlete, tension and stress accumulate in muscles (myo) and connective tissue (fascia). This translates into back, shoulder, and neck pain, which can lead to headaches and blockages. Often, I can help my clients with one or more treatments, but increasingly, I find that this is often not enough. The client feels better for a while, but often returns a few weeks later with the same problem.

I was familiar with this ‘dependency’; my own back problems led me to visit my osteopath regularly for many years.

I became more and more convinced of the power of daily exercises/self-care and its positive impact on my persistent back issues. I also felt the need to teach my clients what they can do themselves to address pain in their specific areas.

I completed Yin Yoga Teacher Training with Joe Barnett (2018 – ‘Foundations’ and ‘Assist’), Fibromyalgia Teacher Training with Jessica Roy (2018), the module Yoga Therapy for the Nervous System, Degenerative Disease, and Pain Management for nerve and chronic pain at ‘The Yoga Therapy Institute’ in Amsterdam (2018), workshops with Katherine Walker (2018 – Yoga Therapeutics for the Back), with Magnus Ringberg, James Mattingley, and Alexander De Waele (2019 – Foam Rolling and Roll & Release), trigger point therapy training in the Netherlands (2020), and MyoYin & Breath Teacher Training with Sabine Winkler (2020).

Based on the knowledge and various tools provided in these workshops and trainings, I developed my own workshop on ‘Myofascial Release and Trigger Point Therapy‘, where I offer various simple but effective exercises and tips – using a tennis ball and stretching exercises – to help individuals improve and manage their symptoms.

In recent years, I have conducted these workshops at Sampoorna Yoga Studio (Brussels), Het Verblijf (Lennik), and for Brussels Mindfulness.

It is also possible to create an individual plan based on the following components:

  • Massage(s) and exploring your body’s needs together – where is the tension, what do you notice when your body is on the table, how is your breathing, how easy is it to disconnect, etc.
  • Teaching exercises – connective tissue stretching exercises, self-massage with hands and with the help of a tennis ball/massage ball – with the option for online/virtual guidance or encouragement for daily home practice.
  • Consultation/Nutritional advice – how is your digestion? Your energy level? Your sleep? Do you often have itching, inflammation, or other recurring symptoms? What would be a healthy and achievable eating plan for you?

Feel free to contact me if you are interested in creating an individual package together.


Currently, I only offer myofascial release workshops and classes for companies, but I have incorporated various elements into my Bodyfulness workshop, which I offer regularly. You can check the news page to see if there is an upcoming Bodyfulness workshop. Welcome!